Using Pro-Grow
Pro-Grow is the perfect soil improver for perennial and annual planting beds. It is suitable for flowers, fruits, vegetables, trees and shrubs and an ideal lawn feed and dressing.
Where to use Pro-Grow?
Pro-Grow is suitable for bedding and top dressing on lawns, trees and shrubs as well as on annual and perennial crops.
Pro-Grow is particularly effective for improving low quality soils where fertility and organic matter have been reduced by long term use of chemical fertilisers.
How to use Pro-Grow?
Bedding Plants & Vegetables
Dig a hole and mix in the ratio of 1 spadeful of PRO-GROW™ to 3 spadefuls of soil, place plant in position, fill in with the mixed soil and water immediately.
Trees & Shrubs
Dig a hole and mix in the ratio of 1 spadeful of PRO-GROW™ with 2 spades of soil, place tree or shrub in position, fill in with the mixed soil and water immediately.
For potting always mix 1 handful of PRO-GROW™ to 3 handfuls of soil or peat.
Seed Beds
Prepare seed beds and rake 2 spadefuls of PRO-GROW™ per square metre into the top 5-7 cm (2-3") of the soil. Prepare seed trough and seed accordingly before covering with the treated soil.
Soil Conditioning
Apply 5-7 cm (2-3") of PRO-GROW™ to the surface of the soil and fork into the top 15cm (6") of the soil. Plant seed or flowers as normal.